Welcome to the Spatial Reasoning Test!

Test your spatial reasoning!

Test how well you can visualize objects and images in space! Mental
spatial ability and working memory affect your capacity to understand,
reason, and remember the spatial relations among objects or space.
These skills help with problem solving and visualization, and they
can be applied from simple tasks such as planning a route or solving
a Rubik's cube to more complex tasks such as visualizing the structures
of a solar system. The test typically takes 15 minutes to complete.


This test requires a laptop or a tablet. It will not work on a phone. The test may also not work properly on older versions of Internet Explorer.

Please tell us a little bit about yourself.

These questions are optional, but if you could answer at least the first four, that would really help us. ( Why?)

Have you taken this test before? (important)

How old are you? (important)

What is your gender? (important)

What is the highest level of education
you have received or are pursuing? (important)

Imagine a 6-step ladder where on the first step stand the poorest people in your country, and on the sixth step stand the richest people in your country. On which step are you?

How often do you use a computer?

In what country did you live most of your childhood?
(Please pick one that influenced you the most if you grew up in more than one)

In what country have you spent most of the past five years?

This is what you will have to do…

In each trial, you will be shown a target shape (on the left) along with four shapes to choose from label 1-4. Your job is to select the two shapes that are identical to the shape on the left (despite how they have been rotated).

Things to keep in mind:

To start the test, practice selecting any two images and click the button below!


Question 1 out of 10

Select the two shapes that are identical to the shape on the left.


You finished the first task!

Awesome job! Before starting the next (and last!) task, feel free to take a break for a few minutes if you want to rest your brain and such! Thanks so much for your participation so far!

In the spirit of memory, here's a picture of the most beloved memory-challenged cartoon character of all time:

And if you want to take a quick break, here are some fun facts about memory and your brain:

  1. Walking through a doorway triggers the brain to forget.
  2. Smell is the sense most tuned to memory.
  3. A quick nap can help you retain new information.
  4. The slowest speed information passes around your brain is approximately 260 MPH!
  5. There is 2,500,000 gigabytes of storage space in your brain. The top-of-the-line iPhone 7 has 256!
  6. If you laid out all of the blood vessels in your brain end-to-end, they would stretch halfway to the moon (about 120,000 miles)!
  7. It's no accident that telephone numbers in the United States are seven digits long. Our working memory, a very short-term form of memory which stores ideas just long enough for us to understand them, can hold on average a maximum of seven digits. This allows you to look up a phone number and remember it just long enough to dial!

This is what you will have to do…

For this task, you will see an interactive board (shown below) with 20 squares. When a square is clicked, it reveals a colored dot hidden underneath it. There are 10 pairs of all different colored dots (possible colors shown below), and the goal of the task is to find every pair in the smallest number of attempts possible. Each attempt consists of clicking on two squares. If a pair is found, the color of that pair of dots will appear on the bottom of the screen so you can see which colors you have already found.

Find all the pairs!

Pairs already found:

You have completed the main part of the test!

We have a few more question for you (optional).

This is a standard survey of attitudes. Some of the questions may be off-putting, so bear with us.

More often than not, losing does not bother me.

It bothers me when I have to ask for help.

No matter what the situation I would never act violently

It would be awful if people thought I was gay.

I enjoy taking risks.

I like to talk about my feelings.

It would be enjoyable to date more than one person at a time.

When I am talking, I am interrupted more than other people.

My suggestions or ideas are respected and valued as much as other people's.


Thank you for your participation!

Before we continue to the results, please answer the following two questions:


Thanks for participating!

These two tests measured your mental rotation ability and your spacial memory.

The Mental Rotations Test

How did I do?
For the Mental Rotations Test, your score is out of 10. The average score is 6, and it represents the number of questions where you selected both correct shapes. Your raw score was out of 20. The average raw score is around 16, and it represents the total number of times you selected a correct shape (i.e. a shape that matched the shape on the left).

What is mental rotation?
Mental rotation is the ability to rotate objects in your mind. Mental rotation can be described as the brain moving objects in order to help understand what they are and where they belong. For example, mental rotation is what we use to recognize familiar objects in our environment, even if they appear in a different position than how we remember them. Mental rotation is also connected to spatial awareness and navigation.

The Spatial Working Memory Task

How did I do?
For the Spatial Working Memory Task, you took attempts and minutes and seconds to find all 10 pairs! The average time is 4 minutes and 20 seconds. You also had a total of working memory errors. A working memory error happened when you chose a pair of locations that had already been searched (whether or not they two locations matched). The average number of working memory errors is 35.

What is working memory?
Working memory is defined as the ability to temporarily store and hold information "on-line" for a brief period of time while other cognitive decisions or operations are taking place and the ability to manipulate that information or use it to guide action. Working memory is considered to play a crucial role in a wide variety of complex cognitive activities, including mental calculations, reasoning, and language comprehension. This skill relies heavily on the prefrontal cortex, the region of your brain also responsible for personality expression and decision making.

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